Hello family & friends,
The update on Oscar's condition currently remains the same. Based on testing done last week, he does not respond to sound, touch. or pain, and results from another CT scan are the same as the first. There are several doctors in charge of his care, but none of them are very optimistic about his recovery. This is why we ask that you continue to pray with us for guidance, and most of all for the complete healing of his body. The doctors are not very hopeful so It's up to us as believer's to hang on to that hope we have in Christ Jesus. It is a blessing that the doctors and nurses on staff are still progressing with all his other needed medical care. The doctors have been trying to wean him off of the ventilator, but as of last week it wasn't successful due to his rapid breathing. They are not sure why his breathing patterns are too fast right now, but they will continue to explore possibilities until they find the cause before attempting to try weaning again. He is being fed the approved amount of nutrition needed according to his height and weight via a tube in his stomach. They also have someone occasionally making sure his skin looks good, and they perform "range of motion" activities. This is something like physical therapy to keep his arms and legs from being stiff. We are facing some challenges with the insurance company as well, dealing with what they will and will not cover, so this is another prayer request we want to put out there. As always............thanks for your prayers
I am keeping you guys in my prayers! I've been through this very thing with a loved one. Yes, it is challenging, but God gives you strength!!