Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Hello all,

We just wanted to give a brief update on Oscar. He is currently still at Wesley Long, but was moved last week to ICU. Due to the fact that he does have pneumonia, his breathing has been restricted and had to be put back on the ventilator. He is stable now, but they are considering moving him back to Kindred Hospital. Kindred does have a pretty good rate of weening patients from the ventilator, so we are hoping this will be the case once again. We had a family consultation with the doctor last week as we often learn of different changes going on from day to day, so please continue to keep Oscar and the family in your prayers. Much love to you all.  

Monday, February 14, 2011


Oscar remains at Wesley Long Hospital, but has been moved to the fourth floor. We did find out that he has MRSA. This is a bacteria that lives on the surface of people's skin and inside the nose. It is easily spread from person to person, but most healthy people are able to fight it off and often times are not even aware that they have it. For those like Oscar, who have a weakened immune system, it is more difficult for this to happen. As much as we love Oscar having visitors, we now have to urge everyone to take extra precautions when visiting. It is already required that visitors cover up with robe & gloves provided at the hospital, but we also ask that you wait a while before visiting if you yourself are ill. It's that time of year when common illnesses are going around, such as colds, the flu, and viruses, so all visitors, including the hospital staff, have to make sure that we don't compromise the health of the patients.

Thank God Oscar's vitals are stable, and are now just about where they were before he was admitted last week. His new room number is 1416, and thank you so much for keeping him in your prayers. God bless!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Long Night

Hello all,

Yesterday Oscar wasn't doing so well. His temperature went up to around 103 and his heart rate was around 122. Normal heart rate should be about 60 to 80. Family and friends quickly rushed to be with Tarsha as they worked on him for a while trying to get things regulated. Soon they realized they needed to get him to the hospital. He was taken to Wesley Long around 6:30pm, about an hour later, the doctors said they believed Oscar has pneumonia.Throughout the night it was mostly praying and waiting. A few hours later all his vitals were stabilized, but the doctors now think it may possibly be some type of infection, and not pneumonia. Around 1:00am, everyone went home to try and get some rest. Today they will continue to do testing as they try to rule things out. They will then be able to make a better diagnosis of whats going on. He also has some type of skin irritation going on round his scalp area that they will be looking at as well. Please keep Oscar in your prayers   

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Location

We wanted to let you know, as mentioned before, we've been experiencing some restrictions with Oscar's health insurance. The insurance company will no longer cover his care at Kindred Hospital, so we've had to consider other options. At one point the few nursing home options that were available to take him were out of town, which would limit his visits from family and friends. Now that Oscar is breathing on his own, and is no longer on the ventilator, another option opened up right here in Greensboro.

Oscar has now been moved to Guilford Health Care Center, located at 2041 Willow Road. and he is in room 128. Visiting hours are from 10:00am until 8:00pm. Two great things about the location of this facility, is Griffin now is not limited on how often he can visit his Dad, plus the location is right next to Mt. Zion Baptist Church where Oscar and his family worships. This most likely will make things even easier for member's of his church home to drop by for visits.

We learned the other day that Oscar had his eyes opened for about 5 minutes. He wasn't blinking, it was more of a blank stare, but we thank God for any activity he shows. There was another EEG done last week, so we should get test results in sometime soon. Monday was Tarsha's first day back to work, and things went pretty well. The kids were very happy to see Mrs. Williams back, and she had lots of hugs to pass out : )